THE DODIES are a young suburban rock duo from the southern desert of Israel. Yoni Avittan fronts the band as lead vocalist and guitarist, as Ran Aronson sings backing vocals while simultaneously playing bass lines on keyboard with one hand and playing the entire drum kit with the other.
In 2016 they self-recorded and independently released their first album “It’s One Hell of a Ride”. Soon after they were brought to America to begin work on their next album in Austin, Texas with producers Matt Novesky (Blue October) and Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal (Asia, Sons Of Apollo, ex-Guns N’ Roses).
“Our long term career goal is to record all of our songs under various albums. We never stop working on new music . As long as we have un-recorded songs, we’ll always have the urge to record them, and it usually takes years.”
‘One Hell of a Ride’
Suburban rock is alive and in rude health with this duo. The single, Boiling Point, is a real romp of a tune ‘I get no pussy and I play guitar’ chorus tells of their frustration in not being able to get laid, and will burrow it’s way into your head and will be there for days.
This album is a mixed bag but never disjointed, rocking hard one minute and then pulling at your heart strings the next. Yoni’s huge vocal range is impressive throughout while Ron Aronson pulls off the task of playing drums and keyboards simultaneously. No wonder they have a superfan in Rob Bumblefoot (of GnR and Sons of Apollo fame), who co-produced the album. One hell of a ride indeed and finishes nicely with a beautiful acoustic track ‘Goodbye.’ If this is the future of garage rock, I’m moving in next door! Intelligent, emotional and big fun – love it!
The Dodies are:
Yoni Avittan – Singer / Guitarist
Ran Aronson – Drummer / Synth Bassist / Backing Vocalist
Apple Music: